How does Lyme effect the brain?

How does Lyme effect the brain?

Lyme Disease and Its Effects on the Brain   Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by the Borrelia bacterium. Lyme disease can be transmitted through the bite of an infected black-legged tick, and other blood-sucking insects, but there are other ways in which the bacterium that causes Lyme disease can be transmitted as well. […]

What Does Lyme Disease Look Like? Learn About the Signs and Symptoms

Lyme Disease Look Like? Learn About the Signs and Symptoms

When it comes to Lyme Disease, the signs and symptoms can vary.  Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that can cause several unpleasant symptoms. These include fever, fatigue, headache, swollen lymph nodes, and a characteristic rash known as erythema migraines. Chronic, widespread pain was another symptom many deal with, including me.  If left untreated, the […]

What are the long-term symptoms of Lyme disease?

symptoms of Lyme disease?

What are the long-term symptoms of Lyme disease? Don’t ignore the signs! Understand what long-term effects Lyme Disease may cause, so that you can detect and treat it in time and avoid lasting symptoms. Despite some skepticism in the medical community, chronic Lyme disease is a growing epidemic in the U.S. This stems partly from […]

How does Lyme and Mold affect the brain?

Lyme and Mold affect the brain?

Do you have Lyme or know someone who does? Or do you have mystery symptoms you cannot get answers to and wonder if it is Lyme? This disease can be so frustrating, confusing, isolating, hard to diagnose, and even harder to treat. Are you frustrated and looking for answers? You have come to the right […]

Why some folks with Lyme do not get better?

 I am going to start off on the cliche side.  I know, I know, boooo. And here it goes. You have all heard of the expression you can’t pour from an empty cup, right? Or here is another favorite.  You have to put your oxygen mask on first.  Or… There are lots of them out […]

10 rituals to help you lose weight and boost your energy

10 rituals to help you lose weight and boost your energy

I often say that… …“in order to have your ideal health and weight, you have to learn how to navigate life differently.” Because the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.  So if you’re “doing all the right things” but not getting the results you want, […]